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The Article, Will Arizona's Tough Immigration Law Fuel Hispanic Turnout  for Democrats, was written by Arian Campo-Flores of Newsweek. The article is about the recent immigration law in Arizona and how it will affect the midterm elections in November. Campo- Flores feels that the law will create  a "boom to the Democrats." He also feels that it will not be effective, unless the Democrats learn how to 'control the power.' If they do, this boom will be equivalent to that of 2006 with the proposal of the "Sensenbrenner bill" in 2005 which made the California of Reagan and Nixon very democratic. The article also shows, that there could be potentially no difference at all, recent polls have shown that Hispanic political participation is at a all time low.

I chose this article because I am really interested to see how this issue will play out. I am very VERY against illegal immigration, and amnesty. I understand that there is too many of them, and financially we cannot afford to deport them all, but under no means should we reward them, by giving them citizen status, that is a slap in the face to every immigrant who spent years filling out papers to get here legally. It is easier to get here legally from Mexico than it is from any country in Africa or Asia, so why don't they take the time to get here legally, they will be able to sleep at night knowing that no one is after them. I am also against racial profiling, and I understand that we do need to catch them, but there are other ways to do it. I think that if someone is caught for another offense, like speeding, a police officer is allowed to ask for his or her papers. Or at a 7-11, where most day laborers in Herndon hangout, I think that police are allowed to ask those people for their papers, they are after all looking for work. I think that it is a shame that Herndon closed the day laborer  building, I think that it would have been an effective way of catching illegal immigrants here.

I'm very interested to see where this goes, both in Arizona, and nationally, with the midterm elections.

Click here to read the article

Besides my friends, Choir, has been my one constant in high school. Music in general has been constant for me, No matter how much anger, or sadness, or stress I have, Music calms me down. This past Tuesday we had our POPS concert, where we sing popular songs instead of our usual classical repitoire.  It is May and the concert made June 22nd feel closer than it has ever been. I realized as we sang final song, "I will Remember you" that it was the last time I would sing on the stage, with my fellow classmates and that it was the last time Mrs. Vanslyke would conduct me. It was soooooo sad. I am so happy that I was able to be a part of the Herndon High School Choir program.

The Article, To kill a Monopoly Board was written by Steve Tuttle of Newsweek. The article is about the changes, the game of monopoly has had over the years. The author starts off to tell that he used to make legal contracts with his brother, so that he could swindle things from him, if he quit the game early. Because as we all know, the game of monopoly is ridiculously long. Monopoly has been made into digital form and can be played as a computer game, and can be played on the i-phone, and recently the i-pad which creates a more realistic feeling. The newest transformation the game is going through is a movie. That's right, monopoly the movie.

I chose this article because, when I was little I loved monopoly, and unlike the author, I loved the themed versions, like the Pedagree version, the barbie version, and the Bibleopoly, which  I played in Sunday School. The article was well written, but it was kind of funny to me that it would be featured in Newsweek, because it wasn't a review of either the movie or the game... It was just kind of there.

Click here for the article.

This year has been amazing, I can't even belive that it is almost over, it seems like just yesterday we were all nervous freshmen walking into Herndon for the first time, and soon we will be leaving and starting anew somewhere else. I'm going to William and Mary this fall, and I am sooooo excited, it just makes me thankful that all my hardwork over the years has paid off.

Last night was Prom and it was sooo much fun! My group consisted of roughly thirthy people who all took pictures together and then 13 of us for dinner. We had a BBQ at Callie's which I found much more fun than going to a restaurant. The Dance was good too, apparently Bates has some swag, he was dressed very classy last night. My group ended the night at Ihop for a late night/ early morning snack. We all thought of you Stroud, when we saw the paper with the pancake cheesecake stackers.

Here is everyone in our group that has/had you as a teacher

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