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Currently in the Senate there was a 60-39 vote last Saturday to overcome the Republican filibuster. The only problem, was that most democrats were not on board. As the Thanksgiving recess comes to an end, the senate will begin there debates on the health care reform bill. Republicans have shown their disgust with the public option, and will not be able to filibuster, so it will be interesting to see how the health care bill changes over the next couple of weeks.

I believe that we need a universal health care. I don't really understand what the public option is. If that means that I cannot choose my doctor, I don't like it. But if it doesn't effect who we choose as our doctors I do not see what the problem is. I also think that the main focus of the bill should be how to insure those who are not provided insurance through their jobs, and those that are unemployed. We shouldn't toil with those who already have insurance.

picture from: clarionadvisory.com/

1. Walt Handelsman drew this cartoon

2. This cartoon is called 'Pre-existing Condition'. It was published in Newsday on November 11, 2009.

3. The issue this cartoon deals with is the health care debate.

4. The message the cartoon displays is basically that the republicans are being stubborn, when it comes to the Health care debate, and that they will not consider anything.

5. I do not agree with the cartoon's message. I can see how, their action show a bit of wanting the democrats to fail. But they are also working for the good of the people, and want to cover as many people who are uncovered, while allowing those with insurance to keep their insurance. They also want to keep small insurance companies in business.

1. This Cartoon was drawn by Jeff Staler.

2. It was published in the Columbus Dispatch on November 20, 2009.

3. The Cartoon deals with the H1N1 vaccine crisis, and how there was not enough for all who wanted one.
4.Basically the message of the cartoon is that not even important people, like 'Santa Claus' have the priority in getting the vaccine. It emphasizes that many people who might want the vaccine don't get the opportunity to get one, making fun of the situation. The priority is pregnant women, caregivers who work with children under 6 months, health care and emergency personal, persons aged 6 months to 24 years, and persons aged 25-65 with health issues.

5. I agree with the cartoon, if you want the shot you should be able to get it. It is not like the whole country is desperate for the vaccine.

First and foremost, the most important thing Herndon needs right now, is a principal who is willing to stay and commit to Herndon. It should be someone who actually cares about the students of Herndon High School and does more than just sit at a desk and make new rules. He/ she should take the time to get to know the students and teachers of our school. They should be active in most of our school activities (sporting events, concerts, etc). I really loved Mr. Cooper, for the first time in high school, I felt like we had a true principal. I would seem him more in a day than I saw Gus in his whole time

It was announced on Friday that Mr. Bates is our new Principal. I believe, after seeing a majority of our hate for hasty principals will stay. He also has Herndon pride which I think is essential. The only problem, is who will be our grade's assistant Principal. In seventh grade we had a new person every two weeks. It will be interesting to see who it will be.

Robert McDonnell, the republican, won the Governor's position in Virginia.

Margaret Chin, the Democrat, won the city council position in NYC.

Tom Rust, the Republican, was reelected as delegate of the 86th district in Virginia.

More and more Americans are beginning to think that the war in Afghanistan is no longer worth fighting for. I have to agree with them, I have confidence in our country's quest to defeat the Taliban, and I don't agree that war is the ultimate answer, but we are already there. I also feel that Afghanistan was the place we should have gone to from the beginning, not Iraq, especially since we had a lot of evidence that Osama Bin Ladin was in Afghanistan.

It will be interesting to see how to war progresses in the coming weeks. I am interested to find out more on Obama's view on the war.

Background- President Obama's health care reform is the antithesis of President Reagan's supply-side economics. Reagan started with the idea that people respond to incentives. They key economic concept was the marginal tax rate.

Summary- Obama wants to increase the marginal tax rate, which would implicitly be part of the health care reform. This posses a huge problem, healthy people (those without pre-exiting health problems) can wait to buy insurance, which would screw up the community rating, a problem in itself, part of the health reform. So basically, in order for the health care reform to work a lot of money will be spent.

Analysis- Reagan's supply-side economics, the marginal tax rate came from 50% to 28%. With Obama increasing the marginal tax rate, many middle class families will be affected. According to Reagan higher marginal tax rates discourage the American from working to their potential.

Commentary- I definitely think that a universal health program is needed in the United States, but it still needs some work. Increasing the marginal tax rate to implicitly put money into the health care reform, is not what I feel is the right thing to do. It will be interesting to see how the bill transforms, in the coming weeks.
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Background- On November 3, New York city will have their Council elections. Margaret Chin, is one of the candidates to represent New York's Chinatown.

Summary- Margaret Chin, a Hong Kong immigrant, is poised to win New York City's council election. If elected, she will be the first Asian- American woman to join the body governing the country's most diverse urban area. Her family immigrated to America in 1963, and really worked at having the American dream. Because of that mentality she had with her family, one of her biggest passions is immigration reform. She is campaigning a bunch of other traditional issues like affordable housing, job opportunities, and better citizen care.

Analysis- Chin's predicted win will be a milestone in the political rise in the Asian- American community. In recent times, the overall government of America has becoming more and more diverse.

Commentary- I am very happy that this year is becoming a year of firsts. First African American President, and now the First Asian-American women council of Chin is elected. I hope soon in the future our country will have the first Woman President.
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